Open Up Media - We design and build (for) brands.

(Re)design with purpose


Your brand identity is the visual and verbal expression of your brand's personality, values, and promise. It's the face of your business, the first impression that leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Understanding your identity

Aura Yachts - Brand identity design

We get it

Whether you're launching a new brand or seeking to refresh your existing identity, we understand the importance of crafting a compelling brand identity that not only captivates attention but also communicates who you are and what you stand for.


Ideating or rethinking

Aura Yachts - Brand identity design

1/ Discovery

We begin by getting to know your brand inside and out... your history, values, target audience, competitors, and aspirations. Through workshops, interviews, and research, we uncover insights that inform our creative process.



2/ Strategy

With insights in hand, we develop a strategic framework that guides the design process. We define your brand's positioning, personality, and key messaging to ensure that every visual element aligns with your brand's essence and resonates with your audience.



3/ Design

Armed with strategy, our team of designers brings your brand to life through captivating visuals and compelling storytelling. We explore various concepts, refining and iterating until we capture the perfect representation of your brand's identity.



4/ Execution

Once the design is finalized, we ensure that your brand identity is implemented consistently across all touch points, from your website and marketing materials to your physical spaces and customer interactions.



5/ Evolution

Brand identity is not static—it evolves alongside your business and your audience. We provide ongoing support and guidance to help your brand adapt to changing trends and market dynamics while staying true to its core values.

Crafting vs. refreshing

Whether you're starting from scratch or seeking to breathe new life into your existing brand, we are here to help you craft a brand identity that resonates, inspires, and endures.

New brand launch

If you're launching a new brand, we'll work with you to create a brand identity from the ground up, ensuring that every visual element reflects your brand's personality and resonates with your target audience.

Brand refresh

If your brand identity is feeling outdated or out of touch, we'll collaborate with you to refresh your identity, breathing new life into your brand while preserving its essence and heritage.

Fortino Capital - Brand identity redesign

Client testimonial — Fortino Capital

Collaborating with Open Up Media on our brand identity and website has been a fun and creative journey. Their dedication to precision, flexibility in accommodating our needs, and focus on brand consistency have truly impressed us. The results speak for themselves. We are delighted with the transformation of our brand and highly recommend their services.

— Lyzette Martens (Sr. Office Manager) & Evelyne Nieuwland (Marketing Lead)